- HTML Boilerplate
Basic Tags👇
- Html tag: Creates an HTML document
- Head tag: Sets off the title & other info that isn't displayed
- Body tag: Sets off the visible portion of the document
- Title tag: Puts name of the document in the title bar; when bookmarking pages, this is what is
Body attributes (only used in email newsletters)👇
- Body bgcolor: Sets background color, using name or hex value
- Body text: Sets text color, using name or hex value
- Body link: Sets color of links, using name or hex value
- Body vlink:Sets color of visited links, using name or hex value
- Body alink: Sets color of active links (while mouse-clicking)
Page layout
Note- It is very important!
- Header tag: It used to add navbar content and headings of the page.
- Main tag: It is used as a main content of the webpage
- Footer tag: It used as a bottom content of the webpage
- Section tag: It used divide the code in section (used in inside the main tag)
- Article tag: It is used to add some important text
- Aside tag: Content aside from the content(eg-adds etc)
- Paragraph tag : Creates a new Paragraph
- Br tag: A Inserts a line break
- Blockquote tag: Puts content in a quote - indents text from both sides
- Div tag: Used to format block content with CSS
- Span tag: Used to format inline content with CSS
- Ul tag: Creates an unordered list
- Ol tag: Creates an ordered list (start=xx,
where xx is a counting number)
- Li tag: Encompasses each list item
- Dl tag: Creates a definition list
- Dt tag: Precedes eachdefintion term
- Dd tag: Precedes eachdefintion
Text Tags👇
- Pre tag: Creates preformatted text
- Heading tags: Creates headlines -- H1=largest, H6=smallest
- Bold tag: Creates bold text (should use <strong> instead)
- Underline tag: Creates underline on text
- Italic tag: Creates italicized text (should use <em> instead)
- Tt tag: Creates typewriter-style text
- code tag: Used to define source code, usually monospace
- Cite tag: Creates a citation, usually processed in italics
- Address tag: Creates address section, usually processed in italics
- Em tag: Emphasizes a word (usually processed in italics)
- Strong tag: Emphasizes a word (usually processed in bold)
- Font size tag: Sets size of font - 1 to 7 (should use CSS instead)
- Font color tag: Sets font color (should use CSS instead)
- Font face tag: Defines the font used (should use CSS instead)
Graphical elements👇
- Hr tag: Inserts a horizontal rule
- Hr size tag: Sets size (height) of horizontal rule
- Hr width tag: Sets width of rule (as a % or absolute pixel length)
- Hr noshade tag: Creates a horizontal rule without a shadow
- Image tag: Adds image; it is a separate file located at the URL
- Image tag with align attribute: Aligns image left/right/center/bottom/top/middle (use CSS)
- Image tag with border attribute: Sets size of border surrounding image (use CSS)
- Image tag with height attribute: Sets height of image, in pixels
- Image tag with width attribute: Sets width of image, in pixels
- Image tag with alt attribute: Sets the alternate text for browsers that can't
process images (required by the ADA)
- Button tag: It help to create clickable button in HTML
- Anchor tag: Creates a hyperlink to a Uniform Resource Locator
- Email anchor tag: Creates a hyperlink to an email address
- Anchor tag with name attribute: Creates a target location within a document
- Anchor tag with href attribute: Creates a link to that target location
- Form tag: Defines a form
- Select tag with multiple name attribute: Creates a scrolling menu. Size sets the number of
menu items visible before user needs to scroll.
- Select tag with name attribute: Creates a pulldown menu
- Option tag: Sets off each menu item
- Textarea tag: Creates a text box area. Columns set the width;
rows set the height.
- Input checkbox tag: Creates a checkbox.
- Input checkbox(checked) tag: Creates a checkbox which is pre-checked.
- Input radio tag: Creates a radio button.
- Input radio tag(checked): Creates a radio button which is pre-checked.
- Input image tag: Creates a one-line text area. Size sets length, in
- Input submit tag: Creates a submit button. Value sets the text in the
submit button.
- Input image tag: Creates a submit button using an image.
- Input reset tag: Creates a reset button
Tables (use only for data layout - use CSS for page layout) 👇
- Table tag: Creates a table
- Table row tag: Sets off each row in a table
- Table data tag: Sets off each cell in a row
- Table heading
HTML5 input tag attributes 👇
Notes- not all this browsers support; visit http://caniuse.com
for details
- Input email tag: Sets a single-line textbox for email addresses
- Input url tag: Sets a single-line textbox for URLs
- Input number tag: Sets a single-line textbox for URLs
- Input range tag: Sets a single-line text box for a range of numbers
- Input date/month/week/time tag: Sets a single-line text box with a calendar
showing the date/month/week/time
- Input search tag: Sets a single-line text box for searching
- Input color: Sets a single-line text box for picking a color
Table attributes (only use for email newsletters)
- Table border tag: Sets the width of the border around table cells
- Table cellspacing tag: Sets amount of space between table cells
- Table cellpadding tag: Sets amount of space between a cell's border and
its contents
- Table width tag: Sets width of the table in pixels or as a percentage
- Table row align tag: Sets alignment for cells within the row
- Table data align tag: Sets alignment for cells (left/center/right)
- Table row valign tag: Sets vertical alignment for cells within the row
- Table data valign tag: Sets vertical alignment for cell (top/middle/bottom)
- Table data rowspan: Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1)
- Table data colspan: Sets number of columns a cell should span
- Table data nowrap: Prevents lines within a cell from being broken to fit